3 October 2017



Everybody knows about endometriosis, it affects many of our girls. But did you know the painful pain caused by it? Well, it’s not easy to handle it and I respect my endosisters. Endoworriers. It’s like a cancer but only with the endometriosis you never know when it will heal, when it will end or when it will recover. This is a mysterious journey that some of our sisters are going through.
This medical problem ruins one’s quality of life. The only option one may consider is to stop having a period. It pains as if you are being stabbed again and again like a million times right on your abdomen. Endo is so heavy sometimes I thought my inside is being cut off.

Well, today am not talking about myself but I want to congratulate my endosister Njambi Koikai who is now going through endometriosis treatment. I was touched with her Instagram post which showed how endosisters out there are going through hell to conquer the disease.

“….My period is around the corner. My right lung has a partial collapse and I've just made it out of theatre. God is good as that is always the hardest part. So I asked my doctor how many surgeries we've done so far, and he's like I've lost count Jahmby. I have an amazing surgeon. Consultant surgeon Dr. Odula. Anyway this is to all my million sisters battling this condition, we will get a cure. We will get relief. God is with us and stay resilient. Last surgery was terrible and horrific. Today I pulled through without much drama. Relax and thank God for your health,” Posted Njambi Koikai.

I wish our teenagers had been taught about this in school, Many of our girls are suffering with really bad pains and bleeding away from period time thinks is a severe cramps. Thanks to the endo worriers who have come out to shed light on this mysterious disease. It is incredible to see somebody so strong and brave who is able to share this with others. 

One Tuesday 3/10/2017, Njambi Koikai shared a post on her Instagram page….”Woke up fine. Giving thanks to the one true God. A bit of pain and my bum is sore cos I'm sleeping and sitting in this position, using a bedpan and can't basically move. This is because of the tube inserted through my ribs into my chest. First day is normally quite painful because the tube is a foreign body. I'll soon be up and about. I'm thankful because others around me are in diapers, drips, being taught how to walk. God is real. But my butt is so sore haki lool...tell you the things you take for granted. Farting and belching are big achievements right now because that means the extra air is being expelled out of my right lung. Enjoy your day and focus on what God has in store for you. Be encouraged.
My endosisters, you're not alone.”

I have seen you fighting, going for surgeries and come out energetic and I know soon we will find the best cure for endometriosis. If we can create endometriosis awareness then we can be in a position to fight it and win. We need to be strong for our endometriosis sisters who are going through pain. For the endometriosis victims, let’s be encouraged. We need to fight and win this endometriosis war. I respect you Njambi Koikai.

15 August 2017


Many of you have heard about sarahah app. Have you signed up already? This thing is all over. This is one of the apps used to send messages such as WhatsApp, but with sarahah, you can’t know the sender and you can’t even reply. You can also message to any user and they won’t even know it’s you. Everything is anonymous and the App encourages you to give constructive criticism.

Sarahah has been a background for people to hide behind a screen and say nasty things to you. Those using the App will agree with me on this. For those struggling with low self-esteem, I would advise you not to use the App. This is like an imaginary person trying to kill you. It’s this one awkward moment that you really need to seek for help but you are a prisoner in your own image. 

I personally don’t like the app. Of course I wish I knew what people thought of me and stuff but I need to be careful with and what I find my worth in. I don't want other people's opinions to be something I put so much pressure in. According to most people using the App, what makes it interesting is, the App was geared at reviewing your crush, bosses or anyone that you feel like spying on.I've just learned that there are people using the platform to answer "embarrassing" questions that normally clients would have trouble asking, but because of the anonymity, they are having their questions answered. I really can't imagine it serving any other purpose better than bullying or compliments. Moreover, what constructive criticism can one offer a ‘friend’? Even in situations of disagreement an app like this would stand in the way of proper one on one communication.

We all know some of the horrible things that transpired on there. Sarahah opens a door to cyberbully. Actually its cyber bulling. Who said that Sarahah App helps one in discovering his/her strengths and areas for improvement by receiving honest feedback from your employees and your friends in a private manner? This is all fake. The App largely contributes to a suicide attempt.

Can one hack sarahah App to see the name of the sender?
Research has confirmed that sarahah App can be hacked and one is able to see sarahah usernames.
It’s only a matter of having a second thought on this App before rushing to use. The App really needs someone that can withstand the cruel and brutal responses from unknown people. It may be fun but if you are using this App, be on the lookout.

2 August 2017

Why feminism is a problem in Africa

Most people think feminism is about women on board. While, Feminism is the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. . Feminism is about having the guts, knowing what you stand for and knowing what you deserve and settling for nothing else. It's about being brave and beautiful at the same time.

 Women used to hide a lot of things in their hearts, back then they had no say but with feminism, they express themselves and they make their rights known. They are now able to resist exploitation and intimidation, sadly not all can stand up for their rights. Feminism needs to infiltrate its course. Feminism empowers women to be able to see that even though it's a man's world, women have a part of it too.

For instance, before feminism women had no voice. When we talk about feminism, we are talking about a certain type of cancer that is eating women from the inside. This is like a global warming. Feminism is the worst thing to happen to women. We are judged when we try to fight for our rights and freedom .People think we are stupid because we are women but let me get this right, a person becomes stupid when she or he is stupid. When I fight for my rights it doesn’t shows that am seeking for sympathy. No, it only shows that I know my rights.

As one of the feminist said, Birds are not shy of brokenness because nest are built of brokenness. Sometimes we are so dramatic such that we are driven by the movies we watch. Maybe we should start thinking the other way round. Ask yourself why movies uses hot guys in the movies. We at times talk negative about our men in our women clubs but it doesn’t mean you are a bad person.

It has reached a time where Women are now freaking out because men are not interested in marriage. We have people that support and criticize feminism for it has exposed true female nature for what it is Feminism has chained women to jobs they were not allowed to do back then and recognized single motherhood. 

As most men say, Feminism isn't about equality due to some of the feminist demands for something which is generally female-oriented or leans in the benefit of being a women. In many case women are considered to be a weak species. People say it’s so bad to show emotions. But women are not only allowed to cry but they are expected to cry. This is so true and feminism is trying to fight to change this.

Gender equality should be emphasized, it's said that women can't hold some positions of office simply because they are women, such lame excuses are to be discouraged. Feminism advocates for equal opportunities without discrimination, in the marketplace, in white collar jobs, in the industries and even in leadership positions. Women should be voted in for parliamentary seats, they should have be in charge of major ministries. Major ones and not those considered "weak." Women. Voices should be heard and given the attention it deserves.